HEY, seller pm'ed me that they are for stretched bags, better off keeping your dumbass posts off threads I posted in or ya might wind up banned like your buddy motown glide unless you are him? obviously ya did not know the right answer.
HEY, seller pm'ed me that they are for stretched bags, better off keeping your dumbass posts off threads I posted in or ya might wind up banned like your buddy motown glide unless you are him? obviously ya did not know the right answer.
Yes I do Motown , he does a lot of sales with our club. Never lied or sold us junk!! He will be back on here ! Soon
I do women and you do motown as far as picking on you? don't post WRONG smart *** answers for things that you are not selling and know nothing about!!! if motown shows up trying to run a business in the classifieds and lying about the products again, guess what will happen.