Eastern Performance CVO bags unpainted only $352 and the quality is top notch. They sometimes offer these color matched which is what I bought, vivid black. Paint is perfect.
I also have the Eastern Performance's CVO Vivid Black bags. Love them! I was debating between the CVO style or a full 4" stretch. The more I see the CVO and 4" bags on other bikes I think I made the right choice. Unless you're going to go with the full stretched fender, IMO the CVO's look the best.
If like me after u buy bags you'll want rear fender that matches bag exhaust cutouts. CVO bags will lock you into CVO type fender....... if that's your thing then all good. Two different vendors of bags/fenders usually will produce asymmetrical bag to fender exhaust cutouts which look hedious IMO.
Eastern Performance CVO bags unpainted only $352 and the quality is top notch. They sometimes offer these color matched which is what I bought, vivid black. Paint is perfect.
I just got the Fairing Factory 5" bags and they are ABS, not FB so less prep and the quality seems top notch. Now I went budget... if I had unlimited money I would have gone topshop or baddad (I did get the baddad fender to go with my bags).