Remember the Harley commercial where an elderly gentleman sitting on his front porch says he bought aluminum siding, rather than the bike he always wanted? Sucks to be him. Enjoy your trike, and by the way, vinyl siding is cheap and easy to install.
I owe the justification of my purchase to my sister in law. I had all kinds of bikes over the years but never a Harley. Always wanted one and my wife knew it. Well my wife was talking to her sister saying how bad I wanted a Harley. My sister started crying and said Alan, her husband that died the previous year unexpectedly of a cerebral aneurysm, had always wanted a Harley and she wouldn't let him buy it. She wished she had. So I got my Harley. Never knew why my wife had caved until a year or so after.
WE are all only 1 illness from being broke. So you can save all your life and sacrifice fun times, trips, comforts and get sick and give it to the Doctors. Or you can live life and enjoy it.
WE are all only 1 illness from being broke. So you can save all your life and sacrifice fun times, trips, comforts and get sick and give it to the Doctors. Or you can live life and enjoy it.
Yea. You gotta lead your life like you're gonna live 80 years and balance it with tomorrow may be your last day. Not easy.