They look good! Just like apes, some love 'me and some hate 'em. Unique look!! Be prepared for others to follow suit and consider yourself a trendsetter.
Since the uprights are so much narrower than standard batwing bars, did the switch cover with the cutouts come with them or did you modify the one you had?
I clicked link to see what you meant by T-bars beacuse ive never saw them on a SG,and well they are exactly that lol but i have to say they look pretty bad azz. how tall are they? look about 12-14? def stands out from the crowd
The lower housing has to be modified. When I paint my inner fairing I will have the stock holes filled in with a plastic welder you won't be able to see the factory holes...The bars are 13 inches tall..after several months they still are the best bars I've had on any bike..