My '11 Street Glide has the V&H chrome round twin slash slipon mufflers. I installed them a couple of days after buying the bike. Since day one I have been somewhat disappointed with the sound of them. They sound better than the stock ones but not "throaty" enough or loud enough for me. Anyone have suggestions for improving the sound "quality" from them without hurting performance or is a better brand available. I just want to stay with the slipons because doing a full exhaust mod is not in my budget. All suggestions/ideas are appreciated.
Does your stock headpipe still has the catalytic converter in it, if so that is where your sound problem is. There is a BIG difference in sound with cat vs. no cat. Do a search on posts about gutting your cat.
does your stock headpipe still has the catalytic converter in it, if so that is where your sound problem is. There is a big difference in sound with cat vs. No cat. Do a search on posts about gutting your cat.
I thought the same thing when I put on a set of Rinehart 4" slip ons BUT after running them for a couple thousand miles, they have "burned in" nicely and sounds loud, deep and throaty. Just what I wanted. When I first put them on, they sounded like stockers...
Need to get rid of stock head pipes. Get a higher flowing air intake and tuned using SERT or equivilent. Huge difference in sound and performance..! IMHO
I have them on my 09 cats on the 09 and they sound awesome! If you want a deeper sound the Monster Ovals work, but I'd remove the Cats first and see what you think.
Do you know what baffles you have in them?If not,pull the baffles out and see if you have the wrapped baffles.If so,pull wrapping off baffles and reinstall them in mufflers.Go to Vance & Hines web site and you will find they have several baffles for the twin slash mufflers available according to what sound level you want.