Farkling in reverse
Will the hideously loud pipes fit my limited? Been wanting some fishtails.
But seriously, I know they fit tourers like my '05 FLHTI, but that's all I know.
Are the gauges the stock black ones? If not the Chrome trim is part of the gauge and not removable.
Touche Sir, lol. I dont think they will be heading over here, they will be making their way to Georgia. I googled a pic of your standard, I see no reason why they will not fit. Are they just the slip ons or the whole exhaust? (heads back) What would you be willing to part with em for? If you dont want to make that info public, pm me and we can talk. thanks man.
I guess I have to wonder... if OP admittedly has a problem with his sight and glare is a major issue, should he really even be out there riding? I mean, unless you only ride at night, glare from windshields, chrome on other vehicles, etc. is unavoidable. Isn't that kinda dangerous not only to himself, but for anyone else on the roads?
Are they just the slip ons or the whole exhaust? (heads back) What would you be willing to part with em for?
I'll ask around to see if any of the Harley guys around here recognize them, but in any case it would probably be better for you to try to find some locally when you get back because shipping via UPS these days is pretty steep.
And before anybody else says it, WELCOME BACK. Are you a short-timer or all the way up to FIGMO?
U.S.Army, 1967-71
I guess I have to wonder... if OP admittedly has a problem with his sight and glare is a major issue, should he really even be out there riding? I mean, unless you only ride at night, glare from windshields, chrome on other vehicles, etc. is unavoidable. Isn't that kinda dangerous not only to himself, but for anyone else on the roads?
If the install of the trim was done with the tape that comes with them, then wd40 and some fishing line will work well. Unfortunately, some people put them on with things like super glue or model glue, which will need a tougher solvent. I put mine on with some clear silicone, much easier than trying to deal with that double sided tape