Probably the wrong time to ask, but I just bought a set of 09 Ultra 28 spoke cast wheels from rockgt302 (thanks!), was curious if anyone who has a RKC with wheels like this on a Road King Classic can post pics?
Really curious to know what it will look like with the cast wheels and leather bags.
Keith maybe get them chromed? BTW if I'm not mistaken the 28s are what they put on the FLHR (standard RK)- just picture one with leather bags and the cooler trim we have on our classics. :-)
Keith maybe get them chromed? BTW if I'm not mistaken the 28s are what they put on the FLHR (standard RK)- just picture one with leather bags and the cooler trim we have on our classics. :-)
Thought about that, I could do a ***** Shiny thing, but not thrilled about spending another $600.
These are off an 09 Ultra - same? Fronts are 17s (vs 16s for the stock), rear are the same dimensions.
You could have them powder coated.....there is a finish that is pretty close to brother had a set of mufflers coated for his Mustang and they turned out looking like chrome or polished stainless for a lot less....just a thought....That is what I will do to mine next winter most likely...then you wouldnt have to worry about them or worry about chrome pealing off it has a tendency to do....