Bike Accident This Morning
I am having a full insurance estimate done. If it is just the fender damage, then I can escape fixing it myself. If there is hidden damage, then my $500 deductible will be put to good use.
Going over the bars with no leg damage is doing good. You didn't say anything about other bike damage; those front and rear crash bars save the rest of the bike? Cars with anti lock brakes can stop way faster than they used to (at least with people that just slam on the brakes and hold on), and I've had some near misses, even when I thought I had plenty of room. Sometimes traffic just puts you in a spot where the best you can hope for is what you got, being able to walk away. Beats the alternative... Hopefully you won't feel like a truck ran over you tomorrow.
Dayummm Dude!! U sure you're alright?
Better give yourself a good couple weeks before you write it off. Go to your GP and get it on record and tell him about it for insurance in case something pops up which it may..
I hate ridin' in that close of proximity to other vehicles too.
Any possible way that the accident could have been prevented now in lookin' back at it?
Better give yourself a good couple weeks before you write it off. Go to your GP and get it on record and tell him about it for insurance in case something pops up which it may..
I hate ridin' in that close of proximity to other vehicles too.
Any possible way that the accident could have been prevented now in lookin' back at it?