I just installed a set of E3,s on my ultra today , I was going to use the beads , but after looking in side of the tire there is some small ribs ,, will the beads still work with the e3 tire , how many are running the e3 tire with beads and have no problem
And by the way, I took a small ride tonight with the new tires and all I can say is wow , much better then the 402,s that came with the bike ,, now let see how many miles I will get out of them .
Ever look inside a 402? It is kind of pebblely. It's definately not smooth. I have E3's now but used Dyna Beads in my 402's before the swap. DB's worked great in both tires.
I just put a set of E3's on my '08 RG. I used "Ride ON" sealer/balancer. I also removed all wheel weights. Rides/tracks great, plus hopefully I don't have to worry about a flat tire.