Anyone done alot of black on a Merlot bike. I said I wasnt going to chrome this bike out like my last bike but as I buy stuff it keeps ending up being chrome. I want to keep some chrome but had planned to add more black.
Maybe I am just a chrome guy but maybe seeing a Merlot bike with some black accesories will give me some inspiration.
I think black parts look great as a contrast to the lighter paint colors. And so far chrome has looked so gorgeous with my merlot ultra, I couldn't imagine doing anything else to her...
Some paint plays to chrome much better than some others. The merlot with the metalic in it is enhanced beautifully by chrome, especially when sitting in the sun. That combination draws long stares from me every time.
I've decided to go chrome again too even though my scoot is black demin. It's like y'all have said - chrome against bright or light colors seems to water things down (black looks great on those colors) but unless you're after a total black-out, chrome still adds great contrast to the dark colors.