Sue away......have at it....over an oring or a $5 gasket.....on a 4 year old bike....keep us posted - in 3 years, on your next post....let us know how it worked out for ya.....
My girlfriend...she sweats...just a know...right there...between the jugs. She sweats more when I am hitting on all cylinders. Who can I sue?
My girlfriend...she sweats...just a know...right there...between the jugs. She sweats more when I am hitting on all cylinders. Who can I sue?
My girlfriend...she sweats...just a know...right there...between the jugs. She sweats more when I am hitting on all cylinders. Who can I sue?
Now that just made my month. Not only did I read it, I could visualize it (her not you).
i'm surprised that the word "condensation" hasn't entered this thread yet. changes in temperature and humidity where you park it overnight likely has its effect if it's moisture, which i would guess sweating would involve.