Do not get an extended warranty. Think about it, extended warranties are money makers for the providers or they would not be offered. Do not get extended warranties on anything (TV's, appliances. cars, scooters, etc, etc.), then when an if you have a problem with any purchase, have it fixed and pay for it with all the money you have saved by not buying extended warranties.
Wouldn't that answer apply to life insurance too?? Unless you have a sack full of money, warranty may be the difference between paying your $50 and riding vs. seeing your bike in the corner of your garage covered in spider webs. Not everyone can put their warranty "savings" aside and use it to pay for repairs. Works in theory, but not in real life.
My bike's 19 months old, has 35,000 miles, and the ESP has paid for 6 tires with labor so far. I've got 5-1/2 years of coverage left. For me, it was worth every penny.