My wife doesn't care. She has her hobbies, I have mine. Agreement, made a long time ago, is she can spend her money as she likes...I can spend mine as I like...and as long as the bills are paid and money goes into the retirement fund, so be it. Not had a problem yet.
Same here...I love an understanding wife...I just gotta remember sometimes it goes BOTH ways
I have been on the fence between the road king and Electra glide as the only 2 up riding will most likely be an occasional trip with my 7 year old son. When I was showing her the different bikes, she pointed to the Ultra classic and said that I should get it because of the tour pack and that she was afraid that our son wouldn't be as safe with just a sissy bar. I told her its a few thousand more and she said get what you want when you get it instead of pumping $ into a bike to make it what is not. It helped that my pastor told her how his kid falls asleep on the back of his dyna! So I am grateful for a level headed spouse that wants me to get an ultra.
Mine's great about it, she says "You work your a$$ off, so you should have something to show for it."
Sounds a lot like mine. Of course, I make sure the bills are paid first, but she has never given me any grief about my "toys". I make sure she has her "toys" too.
I get whatever I want when there is money. {Fixed income} and its ok with my wife. My wife is a quilter - if I have to explain, you wouldnt understand.