Best way for passenger to mount bike
I get on first and set the bike level. I get a wide stance to level the bike. I give her the ok to get on. She steps on the floorboard with her left foot while her left hand is on my shoulder and right hand on the passenger tour pak pad. She steps across the passenger pillion and puts her right foot on the right passenger board. I'll ask if she ready and we take off. She reverses the process for getting off the bike when I give her the ok to step off.
2 things I make sure of. 1. I don't let her get on the bike til I can find the most level area of the parking space. 2. or after I back the bike out of the parking place.
She doesn't weigh much, so it's not difficult for me to hold the bike in this position.
2 things I make sure of. 1. I don't let her get on the bike til I can find the most level area of the parking space. 2. or after I back the bike out of the parking place.
She doesn't weigh much, so it's not difficult for me to hold the bike in this position.
Last edited by kjelders; 10-13-2010 at 11:27 AM.
Twice I've been on my bike and had some girl come up and say, "Take me for a ride." and start climbing on. Luckily both were reasonably trim and didn't pull me over. It's a scary feeling though. That said, when the old lady gets on, I leave the kickstand down, level the bike and then tell her to get on. She doesn't have real long legs and has to step up on the left passenger board.
Agree 100% !...
My wife started out by grabbing my right shoulder when she was getting on. That stopped right away. One time she used my left shoulder for hand grip to pull herself over the bike. Both times I was in immediate critical pain from old shoulder injuries over the years and continued Bursitis, so we actually practiced her getting on until she got it right! lol
When I rode two up, I had an 08 Ultra Classic, I always got on, stood the bike up, but left the kickstand down. Let her mount by stepping on the left passenger floorboard. with her left hand on my left shoulder and her right hand on the Tourpak backrest, she would swing her right leg between the rider backrest and tourpak. After she was seated and ready to go, I would put the kickstand up, Start the engine, let her warm a bit and go. worked for us until she got her own bike. You getting on first and standing the bike up is easier than her getting on and then you have to stand it up with her weight too.