Love my bike!
People complaining about their little problems doesn't mean they don't like their bike. It usually means they REALLY like their bike and think the dang thing has betrayed them somehow by breaking...
My lawnmower broke the other day right in the middle of mowing. I beat the living **** out of it, the piece of crap. I also didn't get on the Murray website and lament about it. No love there.
My lawnmower broke the other day right in the middle of mowing. I beat the living **** out of it, the piece of crap. I also didn't get on the Murray website and lament about it. No love there.
People complaining about their little problems doesn't mean they don't like their bike. It usually means they REALLY like their bike and think the dang thing has betrayed them somehow by breaking...
My lawnmower broke the other day right in the middle of mowing. I beat the living **** out of it, the piece of crap. I also didn't get on the Murray website and lament about it. No love there.
My lawnmower broke the other day right in the middle of mowing. I beat the living **** out of it, the piece of crap. I also didn't get on the Murray website and lament about it. No love there.
We complain.....because we care!
I love mine!!!