Saddle bag Secure /
I did the same thing last week, $7 and 10 minutes later my bags were secure.
I ordered these from an Ebay seller. Kit arrived quickly and I installed them in about 10-15 minutes. They are a quality product.
If anything, I know my bags aren't falling off on their own! If someone wants them bad enough, they will probably win. It just will be harder.
If anything, I know my bags aren't falling off on their own! If someone wants them bad enough, they will probably win. It just will be harder.
Thief could easily reach in and take what they want and/or use the star tool to remove the bolts that I thought were pretty rare until I saw the same patterned bolts on the urinal partitions at work. Oh well.
Working on a way to install a lock on the inside of lip of the lid to prevent this sort of thing. Working it.
BS and baloney. They want 'em they will get 'em. Wake up Charlie. If they can't get 'em they will destroy them in the process or destroy them because you pissed them off. Just a different style mousetrap. Clevis pins work just fine and make it just as difficult as "Brukus" or whomever. This is just dumb. No, I don't want my stuff stolen either but.......I mean c'mon already.
I ordered these from an Ebay seller. Kit arrived quickly and I installed them in about 10-15 minutes.
Thanks for the link, just ordered a set @ 13.00 w free shipping looks like a good deal to me...
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General Harley Davidson Chat
08-24-2006 06:46 PM