yes, gorgeous bike and the zumo too for only $500 more than the base CVO. I would get every penny worth out of it riding it and no doubt they'll have buyers lined up around the block for it with only 999 available. wish I could justify dropping that kind of $$$. I know if I show it to my wife she'll justify it, and want me to get it BAD!!!
stop at dealer today i have first rights to it when it hits his dock if i want it ????
we talked price a little no premium for it msrp or lower (it will be the 3rd bike i bought in 2 years )
The MoCo responds to leohd's "dyke" Sporty 48 rant
LOL, they responded alright, too bad the price isn't the same as the 48 sporty or at least only double the price, darn my 1st harley a practically brand new shovel with only 1500 miles cost only $1500 this thing is 25 times that amount