ebay lowers... chinese knock-offs
Not sure the elected officials have anything to do with it actually. I suppose it depends on the particular industry. American consumers, on average, when choosing between two products offering the same features, will pick the lower priced one. Not sure why they would not do so. In a lot of cases the cost structure is lower for the foreign manufactured product. (See the recent case studies of the auto industry.) So we consume those. As long as it's a real cost structure, not a subsidized one, seems like having access to the lowest price is good for consumers. Now, all else being equal (including price), i'll buy American over foreign every time. But I won't pay a premium for American with no value in return.
I'm in the market for some lowers. I'll be watching to see if anyone takes a shot on these and can give a first hand review.
I'm in the market for some lowers. I'll be watching to see if anyone takes a shot on these and can give a first hand review.
The quality is good no problems there. Yes I had them painted. I don't know if they would be good enough to put on a black bike with out paint. My painter charged me $150 paint them So I feel like I still made out in the end. I used the detachable hardware from Harley to mount them. I also installed the fitted glove box liners as well. I like the snaps better that Harley offers vs the plugs that came with mine, but thats about the only negative I could find.
Or are you saying it would actually be a better situation if the US had no trade agreements with anyone?
In turn there are loopholes and legislation that allow companies to set up shop over there, where there are no labor laws, Environmentel laws etc. They in turn are imported for far less tariff and taxes because of these laws that your elected officials have enacted. Have you heard of the Chinese trade defficet? That's where they export a whole lot more than they import from us, been going on for longer than I have been alive. The auto companies do the same since NAFTA and GATT were put into law. I work in the aerospace field and a lot of MFG. companies have moved operations south of the border, where a thirty dollar an hour job here is a three to five dollar an hour job there, plus little or no penelty to move it back accross the border.....
The trade deficit is just a measure of what's coming in and (what more) is going out. Having a deficit is not in and of itself a bad thing.
Last, the fact that for a given type of mfg, the labor cost here is $30, while the labor cost elsewhere is $5, is precisely why it doesn't make sense to mfg the product here. Any company doing so it now at a disadvantage in the market place as they are trying to compete with other companies that have a lower cost structure. Yea, I'm assuming the foreign market isn't "dumping" and/or using basically slave labor, as that is an entirely different situation.
Most companies that i'm aware of do not mfg off shore solely to save labor costs. They are investing capital in foreign markets to get access to the market. They would do the mfg there even if the labor cost was neutral to the US.
Are you worried about job loss, or mfg costs. They are different issues in my mind.
Anyway, since this is WAY off topic, I'll get back on topic... I'm still in the market for lowers. I'll have a look at these a bit more. Though not sure it's worth the hassle to me if I've got to paint them to match anyway.