Just bought this bike...
Just bought this bike...
What do you guys think?...bike was only about 100 miles from my house so I drove up,rode the bike and bought it...the pics dont do it justice...this bike in in immaculate condition...
Bought or stole? It's got 5 days left and no Buy It Now button........wtf? Don't answer the door if you hear knocking. Those fellas in blue are not selling cookies!!
How much did you pay? Also, Harleypingman has a cop bike, so if you need any insight on modding, he'd be the "go-to" guy IMO.
How much did you pay? Also, Harleypingman has a cop bike, so if you need any insight on modding, he'd be the "go-to" guy IMO.
Bought or stole? It's got 5 days left and no Buy It Now button........wtf? Don't answer the door if you hear knocking. Those fellas in blue are not selling cookies!!
How much did you pay? Also, Harleypingman has a cop bike, so if you need any insight on modding, he'd be the "go-to" guy IMO.
How much did you pay? Also, Harleypingman has a cop bike, so if you need any insight on modding, he'd be the "go-to" guy IMO.
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