it'd no longer be a bagger. are you sure you want to sell them? they'd be very expensive to replace. have you seen how ugly a bagger is without bags? your choice though, after getting used to using the bags, you'll wonder how you got along without them actually. my suggestion if you don't like the bags on your bike, stash them somewhere that they will stay in pristine condition, there will come a time when you come to your senses and realize that a bagger needs saddlebags to be complete.
kgb, i was thinking that selling off the stock bags was almost sacreligious or however that's spelled. i used that word because there was no way in hell i could figure out how to spell abomination . stretched bags, whew, i was worried when i read your thread. no clue as to what you could get for them, but check the parts and accessories catalog to see what new ones go for, and slice off the percentage that you feel you can in order to sell them.. bags ain't cheap by any means. good luck man, glad your bagger is still going to be a bagger.