Think I can trade my Ronco Bottle Cutter and Popiel Pocket Fisherman for one of those Deluxe Time Machines?
Hey Beaucoup - don't know about the time machine but you can still get your own pocket fisherman. There's always one in the low side saddle bag. Ya never know when the misses might lock me out for bar hoping and carousing and I need to catch my own supper. Then again I could just go back to the bar.
I heard there will be a roadking touring......Tour King. This was from a dealer employee that has been back with Harley a few weeks ago. This guy isn't just a flunky employee he is well respected here.
And if it isn't true.................................I guess he doesn't know Jack $hit.
So what exactly would a tour king be? If it has a fairing it would be like a Street Glide or Electraglide. If it had a tour pack it would be like a Electraglide Classic. But if it has a fairing it ain't no Road King in my estimation because Road Kings don't need no stinkin' fairings.
wellllllll, still no answer.. probably a tour king but WTF is a tour king? my dogs told me that they heard from another dogs uncle that it is like a road king but has a removable fairing.1 week left but I still wanna know now....