The 400 miles was just my bike. Most of the other riders had another 30 to 40 miles to go before they got home. I just so happen to get to my exit before anyone else.
I don't see why they want to make it a Monday? It sounds catchy? Only place I am going on Monday is to work. With a hangover no less. Why not have a Zillion Mile Saturday? Just saying. Silly icon. Like million mile monday.HOG member.
Did I miss something?
Our chapter didn't do anything official.
Our Hog Chapter only rides where beer is involved. Now if there was a "Million cans of Beer Monday" they might be in.
12 of our chapter members rode from 8 am to after midnight and logged between 585 to 660 miles each depending on where we lived. We rode the mountains of North Carolina took the Dragon into Tennessee, rode the Dragon back to NC and went south into Georgia and came back up through South Carolina. It was a great ride and we only had one mechanical failure which required one rider to spend the night in God's country.
Total we logged just over 7000 miles with just 12 bikes.
We were shooting for a 500 mile day and blew that out of the water. I had the following decal made up for all the guys that rode.
Took the day off from work and enjoyed a nice easy ride from CT to VT and back......a total of about 380 miles. I think I'll do it again next Monday! :-)