which handlebar mounted cup holder??
I know this is not what you asked for but this is what I have and used in many occassions and screwed up and did not use it this passt weekend in a 400 mile lunch ride with the florida crew.....
this thing works beyon awesome
this thing works beyon awesome
What exactly are you guys doing to the kruzer kaddies to keep them from swinging? Mine drives me nuts. It came with a rubber ring that is supposed to keep it in place, but it still tilts all the time. Especially with a bottle that has fluid higher than the pivot point.
I used a chrome carriage bolt and a chrome spacer i had laying around to replace the stud that is used to hang the kaddy off of. the foam insert hides the carriage bolt head. it is flat enough so that it doesn't interfere with a bottle or can. mine works great now, with no worries about dumping the drink.
Last edited by gman; 06-25-2009 at 12:06 AM.
I see RAM has one. You can get it with or without a sleeve.