Hogg Chopps Lowers on my Road Glide
Hogg Chopps Lowers on my Road Glide
Finally got the Hogg Chopps back and installed. Paint match is spot on. There was a run in the original shiment and they either re shot them or sent a new set, whichever I am a happy camper. Half the price of HDs and IMO they look better and are designed to be functional. Rode about 300 miles on Saturday, buffeting is all but gone. Air flows nicely towards the engine and out around my legs. Wish there were some glove boxes available for these...Andy??? This is my Glide and my buddy Mark's (Chrome Addict on HDF) Road King on the Parkway in Yorktown, a beautiful ride through Virginia's historic country side
I got these for my 05 RG and I like them. The paint and color matching was good too. It really helped with the buffeting but I also got a Clearview windshield to help it more. I noticed with them on there is more heat hitting my legs so I got the "no more fried thighs" in the link to the left to help with that. I guess I'll see how they do in the heat of summer soon.
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Sure they are $239 unfinished and $339 painted to match any HD color, from their web site hoggchopps.com. I was able to get my dealer to order them and give me a small discount at an open house when I ordered them. Even at list they are half what HDs lowers are and better designed IMO