Wow, I thought we had bad weather here. I'd shoot myself if we had more snow. We finally got enough rain to wash all the salt off the roads and it's time to ride!
The weather in the Pacific Northwest sucks! I'm ready to move and I want to ride year round! I feel for you Bigskyhd!
Just pulled up the prelim weather for the first of next week. Don't you know it's going to be in the 50's with sun. Just as I get on a plane and head for TX. So, then there will be good weather here, and I'll be 1800 miles away from it, and my bike. Rental thing is looking better and better.
I don't know, it's suppose to snow here tomorrow, rode to work today.. First time I was glad I had that great Air/temp guage as to confirm that my hands were cold..... 22* weatherman lied and said it was suppose to be 29-30 at 5am....
Wow, I thought we had bad weather here. I'd shoot myself if we had more snow. We finally got enough rain to wash all the salt off the roads and it's time to ride!
All this frickin' rain over here in MA is bad enough...if I saw snow right now I'd jump a bridge!