I also use Dry bags from seallinegear.com I have used these on my bikes for the last 20 yrs. I still have the original one and it still keeps everything dry. We just bought 2 new ( duffle bag) style, since the wife now has her own bike.
Oh ya, not that you will need it but , they float!
Does anyone use the Saddlemen bags? I have been looking at this Saddlemen bag. I am trying to decide between the T-bag Lonestar and the Saddlemen S2600. How do the Saddlemen bags hold up. They are over $100 cheaper. Are the T-Bags really THAT much better? Thanks for any help.
DowCo Iron Rider luggage. I picked up the 5 pieces second hand for under $200, new you can find 3 piece kits for about $300. Gives you a large, a small, and a roll bag that you can mix and match.