you've got your answers on the holes with the wire loom and the lock, as far as plugging the holes for the antenna, you can either do what everyone has suggested and get rubber/plastic plugs to fill them, or you can take it to your friendly body shop guy and have him do some work on it. At that rate you'll have spent all the money you saved buying on ebay
I've used Mason City HD via Ebay, too.
Picked up my new set of Primered Fairing Lowers w/vents & gloveboxes for $355.
Standup Ebay'r, folks!
I have bought many items from Mason City, and you don,t have to wait for e-bay. If you wand some discounted prices on items with very reasonable shipping give Katie a call. She works days Tuesday thru Friday @ 614 423 6007. Shes a great lady to talk to and will treat you well, just let her know that Larry from Tennessee gave you the tip to call
I just received a chopped Tour-Pak and used the detachable hardware to install and it fits great. One small modification I made was the plate that holds the wire to the top lid is attached by cheap plastic rivets. I drilled them out and put in some allen head cap bolts, painted the heads with matching touch up paint and have a more secure plate. I don't know if the King uses the same cheap rivets.
Just buy a keyed lock for the upper and put masking tape over lower on the out side then RTV the inside. When RTV is setup after several days you can take off the tape and then forget it until you want to run lights, wires or antenna. Or just put a blank out gromet into the hole.