The Tri-Glide Ultra is nice, but pricey. Electra Glide trike conversions made by Lehman before they enterd the agreement with Harley were less expensive. You might check and see if they're still available.
By all means ride one before you even think about buying one. My wife loves her trike
but yes it does require upper body strenght as you have to steer it through the turns.
And if your wife has back problems the side to side jarring that you get with a trike going
over bumps may bother her. If they are selling a tri glide for over 30K it's priced over
MSRP (which may be likely for a while considering each dealer is only getting 3 ).
but yes it does require upper body strenght as you have to steer it through the turns.
And if your wife has back problems the side to side jarring that you get with a trike going
over bumps may bother her. If they are selling a tri glide for over 30K it's priced over
MSRP (which may be likely for a while considering each dealer is only getting 3 ).
Had a discussuion with a buddy about Harley trike conversions. He's been shopping for a trike for quite a while. He said that the quality of HD's conversion is quite low compared to other if HD took the lowest bid..
Don't quote me on this.
Best to talk to a unbiased trike converter as to quality of differant conversions. U can add reverse & and other goodies and still be money ahead.
Don't quote me on this.
Best to talk to a unbiased trike converter as to quality of differant conversions. U can add reverse & and other goodies and still be money ahead.
I saw one, I rode one and I wasn't impressed. The 103c.i. isn't enough the way Harley delivers them. The trike body is more piece meal than the Lehman (they produce the parts and assemble them for Harley).
You might want to look into a Lehman Conversion on a FLHTCU instead or a sidecar. If you are thinking trike remember some states require a separate license for trikes/sidecars. Insurance is another problem. If your wife is going to drive the trike you might want to ask about a rake on the triple tree (power steering for trikes).
Good luck.
You might want to look into a Lehman Conversion on a FLHTCU instead or a sidecar. If you are thinking trike remember some states require a separate license for trikes/sidecars. Insurance is another problem. If your wife is going to drive the trike you might want to ask about a rake on the triple tree (power steering for trikes).
Good luck.
Lehman, DFT and other kits run around $9000.00 without wheel/tires/paint. Couple that with the price of a new bike the Harley is cheaper and you get a 2 year Warranty. That still doesn't have the raked trees the HD does. the Champion trees run $1200.00. You couldn't convert a new bike cheaper, probably could used or existing model. As for the upper body strength, I have ridden trikes with the stock trees, Champion raked trees and Harleys. The difference is the raked trees feel like power steering compared to the stock (manual). The "piece meal (?)" is a good thing because if you damage a fender you do not have to replace or repair the whole body, you can replace/repair the fender and so forth. Fiesty 1 is hearing the compensator pack and not the lack of automatic chain adjuster. He has a 2005 so the tranny and final ratio are different requiring a lower gear to bring RPM's up. The Quality is not low quality in my opinion. I do believe the DFT's handle better and are better quality, but at a much higher price. As for cost $29,995.00 is for black with no reverse, $31,994.00 is for pearl/sun-glo with no reverse. Cruise is standard, reverse is $1195.00 and security is $240.00. Shipping is $700.00. Every Dealer can have 2 avalable, if they want them. You must sell the first to get the third and sell the second to get a fourth. Hope that helps. Oh, yea the 103 is a 103 (pooch), she will get the front wheels off the ground though.
The only complaint I have is the reverse has a circuit breaker that opens if the Trike is in reverse when the Parking Brake is set. The breaker will also open if the brakes are applied while the reverse is engaged. this prevents damage to the electric reverse motor. Makes sense, only that the breaker is MANUALLY RESETABLE and is located under the passenger portion of the seat. Convenient? Tell me how many times the reverse will be engaged while forgetting the park brake is? Why couldn't it automatically reset when park brake is release. We have a throttle with no cables, but technology hasn't reached a resetable breaker, or convinient location. Here's to the third wheel.
The only complaint I have is the reverse has a circuit breaker that opens if the Trike is in reverse when the Parking Brake is set. The breaker will also open if the brakes are applied while the reverse is engaged. this prevents damage to the electric reverse motor. Makes sense, only that the breaker is MANUALLY RESETABLE and is located under the passenger portion of the seat. Convenient? Tell me how many times the reverse will be engaged while forgetting the park brake is? Why couldn't it automatically reset when park brake is release. We have a throttle with no cables, but technology hasn't reached a resetable breaker, or convinient location. Here's to the third wheel.
Last edited by Gutman; 11-19-2008 at 06:18 PM.
Lehman, DFT and other kits run around $9000.00 without wheel/tires/paint. Couple that with the price of a new bike the Harley is cheaper and you get a 2 year Warranty. That still doesn't have the raked trees the HD does. the Champion trees run $1200.00. You couldn't convert a new bike cheaper, probably could used or existing model. As for the upper body strength, I have ridden trikes with the stock trees, Champion raked trees and Harleys. The difference is the raked trees feel like power steering compared to the stock (manual). The "piece meal (?)" is a good thing because if you damage a fender you do not have to replace or repair the whole body, you can replace/repair the fender and so forth. Fiesty 1 is hearing the compensator pack and not the lack of automatic chain adjuster. He has a 2005 so the tranny and final ratio are different requiring a lower gear to bring RPM's up. The Quality is not low quality in my opinion. I do believe the DFT's handle better and are better quality, but at a much higher price. As for cost $29,995.00 is for black with no reverse, $31,994.00 is for pearl/sun-glo with no reverse. Cruise is standard, reverse is $1195.00 and security is $240.00. Shipping is $700.00. Every Dealer can have 2 avalable, if they want them. You must sell the first to get the third and sell the second to get a fourth. Hope that helps. Oh, yea the 103 is a 103 (pooch), she will get the front wheels off the ground though.
The only complaint I have is the reverse has a circuit breaker that opens if the Trike is in reverse when the Parking Brake is set. The breaker will also open if the brakes are applied while the reverse is engaged. this prevents damage to the electric reverse motor. Makes sense, only that the breaker is MANUALLY RESETABLE and is located under the passenger portion of the seat. Convenient? Tell me how many times the reverse will be engaged while forgetting the park brake is? Why couldn't it automatically reset when park brake is release. We have a throttle with no cables, but technology hasn't reached a resetable breaker, or convinient location. Here's to the third wheel.
The only complaint I have is the reverse has a circuit breaker that opens if the Trike is in reverse when the Parking Brake is set. The breaker will also open if the brakes are applied while the reverse is engaged. this prevents damage to the electric reverse motor. Makes sense, only that the breaker is MANUALLY RESETABLE and is located under the passenger portion of the seat. Convenient? Tell me how many times the reverse will be engaged while forgetting the park brake is? Why couldn't it automatically reset when park brake is release. We have a throttle with no cables, but technology hasn't reached a resetable breaker, or convinient location. Here's to the third wheel.
I didn't suggest the "piece part." that was in a nearlier post. The DFT's are awesome. We have built 6 of the. Don't understand a thing else about your post, other than you are building a trike beacuse of "heat deflectors." Not my position to tell you different. I was just trying to clarify. Electric gear, well, you are correct that say's it all. Electric Reverse. Like watching the grandkids in the JI Joe Jeeep in the yard. "Gay." 30k, Give me Power, not a Hair Dryer.