I took mine off the very first day I picked up the bike.
I still have the red ones in the saddlebag latches.
Its like the MoCo knows you will take them off the way they are mounted with two sided tape.
Dental floss and goo-gone . There are commercial "fillers" for the remaining pit - I went to J&P for the Drag Specialties versions but there are others.
I took them off. I figured the idiots on the road dont notice bikes in the day light why would they notice a red or amber reflector at night. (plus its looks better)
Removed the front reflectors. Back reflecter is behind the sissy bar supports and harder to get at. Kept them just in case I do get told to put them back on.
I took mine off the very first day I picked up the bike.
I still have the red ones in the saddlebag latches.
Its like the MoCo knows you will take them off the way they are mounted with two sided tape.
I left mine on (just didn't get around to taking them off) for a few months, then while washing one day 2 came 1/2 way off all by them selves, rest followed with my help.