Just got my bike back with SERT installed. The box is dated 09-07. My bike is an 08, shouldn't it be 08 model SERT? Seems like the price was for 08, $459! I'm going to ask them later but was wondering what the experts here have to say.
What model number is on the SERT box regardless of date?
Ahhhh, very good question, I'll go look. I just figured that the 08 SERT came out so late, that it couldn't have that date. I'll check it out.
....................Number is 32107-01L
The one you got is fine. I also had the H version because I bought the bike in 07 and that was the most current one out. The updated one just includes more/different maps. They have since came out with the pro super tuner. Your L version is fine, don't worry about it.
The newer version of the tuner is supposed to come out this month. The new part # is 32109-08. Zanotti HD has them listed for $429.. I believe it's now called the SE Super Race Tuner.