So I have decided on a heated Mustang Super Tour seat for my 2017 FLHXS. The specs on Mustang's website state that the smooth version will set the rider back 1.75", the deluxe will only move me back 1". Whats the deal with that? I am 6'4" and 245, i need some room! I cannot seem to find and "in stock" deluxe version, hell it was hard to find the spec's on the Mustang website. I like the added sew seams (i work on auto seats) with the deluxe, but I want that entire 1.75" back! Also, do I need the wire adapter or not? Thanks....Matt
If you have a smooth Mustang with a bunch of miles on it, I would love to see some pics. Does the main trim panel have any wrinkles or does it seem baggy after a bunch of miles? This is where I think the deluxe will excel at maintaining the appearance of "new".
Maybe you already know but those seats won't sit you further back on your SG. The SG and RG seats are already back. The "Super" Mustangs will sit back where it is now and a little higher.