Correct Harley is a combustion engine but its is also air cooled and that puts a heat strain on the engine, the more ZDDP the more slippery the oil the longer your scoot will last.
Motor oil. goes in a motor... 15W50 says motor oil on it...Little marketing V Twin BS added and Voila... SNAKE OIL for sale.
I'm not telling anyone what to put in their scoot. I was merely pointing out the fact that the oil the OP referred to and the oil that was linked to in the above post, is not the same. Some folks could easily think they were putting the V-Twin oil in simply because of the link.
Yeah I'm new here but you should see the oil blogs that go on over at the corvette forum its about 25 times more than here.
B Bop
There are people here that forgot more about oil than I'll ever know and their air cooled engines work just fine and last just as long on just about any motor oil that can be put in a crankcase. You can do a search here and you'll find that any point you can make has been made a thousand times and has been refuted a thousand times. And no I don't believe that your engine will last longer with 20-50 (what I use) over 15-50. Changing your oil and filter regularly is what will make your engine last.
Besides, this air cooling that you continue to refer to is not exactly new technology.
That may be true, you know the EPA regulates the environment (air quality) and they dictate how much ZDDP is in your oil. (more ZDDP more pollution). Every other year it seems they reduce ZDDP levels in our oils that are regulated in combustion water cooled emission engines (the majority) over the non-regulated smaller production air cooled motorcycles. If you believe your regular automotive oil is the same today as five years ago, you are in for rude awakening.
On the other hand EPA has not regulated air cooled mc oils so the ZDDP levels are much higher. So why gamble saving a few bucks.
I don't care what you use, I'm just stating the facts. Do a google search on what oils that have the most ZDDP and make your own decision.