Acc Helmet doesn't fit
Acc Helmet doesn't fit
I received my ACC helmet today and I think it is a little big. I've used every pad they sent and the helmet will wobble on my head. I cinch it down tight and I can tell if I ride with it in the wind it will be on the back of my head. I ordered a medium/large and when I checked the label inside the helmet it said large.One of my questions is, does the medium/large helmet read large? My second question is, has anyone had a problem with their helmet riding up on the back of their head, and if yes did you contact ACCabout the problem and what was the solution?
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RE: Acc Helmet doesn't fit
No dis-respect intended but why wouldn't you just contact the company FIRST instead of wasting time posting and waiting for replys on this forum???**
**This question in no way is intended to be an attack on anyone, if it is hurtful I apologize in advance. I know this forum is full of VERY sensitive people who I enjoy and Iwouldn't want to hurt anyfeelings. Thank you for your consideration (good enough TM?)
**This question in no way is intended to be an attack on anyone, if it is hurtful I apologize in advance. I know this forum is full of VERY sensitive people who I enjoy and Iwouldn't want to hurt anyfeelings. Thank you for your consideration (good enough TM?)