Acc Helmet doesn't fit
RE: Acc Helmet doesn't fit
Too late for you but....
Never buy a helmet without trying them on!!!
Each style/model helmet is made to fit different shaped heads. Not just sizes, but shapes. Heads aren't all one shape, some are oval, some round, some rectangular, some triangular, and so on. A helmet that fits me great, might fit hoirribly on you. You can't even trust buying from the same manufacturer if you like a different model from the model that fits you. They are made to fit a different shaped head
Never buy a helmet without trying them on!!!
Each style/model helmet is made to fit different shaped heads. Not just sizes, but shapes. Heads aren't all one shape, some are oval, some round, some rectangular, some triangular, and so on. A helmet that fits me great, might fit hoirribly on you. You can't even trust buying from the same manufacturer if you like a different model from the model that fits you. They are made to fit a different shaped head
RE: Acc Helmet doesn't fit
ORIGINAL: Chicago Spike
Too late for you but....
Never buy a helmet without trying them on!!!
Each style/model helmet is made to fit different shaped heads. Not just sizes, but shapes. Heads aren't all one shape, some are oval, some round, some rectangular, some triangular, and so on. A helmet that fits me great, might fit hoirribly on you. You can't even trust buying from the same manufacturer if you like a different model from the model that fits you. They are made to fit a different shaped head
Too late for you but....
Never buy a helmet without trying them on!!!
Each style/model helmet is made to fit different shaped heads. Not just sizes, but shapes. Heads aren't all one shape, some are oval, some round, some rectangular, some triangular, and so on. A helmet that fits me great, might fit hoirribly on you. You can't even trust buying from the same manufacturer if you like a different model from the model that fits you. They are made to fit a different shaped head
RE: Acc Helmet doesn't fit
This is one thing to make your way to, I go to this every year and they have all sorts of vendors with all brands of helmets. I also get my custom molded earplugs at this show
This is one thing to make your way to, I go to this every year and they have all sorts of vendors with all brands of helmets. I also get my custom molded earplugs at this show
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