Good quality bags. I didn't want a full stretch. I paid good $$$ for some nice slips and wheels, so I didn't wanted to hide it. Only drawback is it's not carpeted in the inside like some of the full stretch brands, but hey, it's a third the price.
I went with the Arlen Ness 4" extended angled bags. Love the look of them and the quality is great. My bike is lowered 2" front and rear so I do scrape sometimes, mostly have to be real careful riding down curbs.
I'm digging your tank badges, but I'm curious why they are in separate parts. How are they holding up?
I'm digging your tank badges, but I'm curious why they are in separate parts. How are they holding up?
yeah I love those badges, I have no idea why they are a two piece design but they hold up great, look awesome and seem to be high quality. I have nothing bad to say about them!
I went with the Arlen Ness 4" extended angled bags. Love the look of them and the quality is great. My bike is lowered 2" front and rear so I do scrape sometimes, mostly have to be real careful riding down curbs.
I don't want to hijack this guys topic. Can you jump on my topic over at and give me some details on your rear signal bar? Like what model it came from, wiring, etc...