Cam cover removal
Cam cover removal
Am trying to remove the cam cover to get to my cams on my 2009 Ultra with 49000 miles. Removed the 10 screws, and it stayed put. I hit it with a rubber mallet, and it didn't budge. I took a crow bar and pried on a lip at the bottom and only scratched it when it didn't budge. How do you get it off?
I actually used a thin folding knife, but an exacto might work too. It didn't take much, you just wanna break that seal and not crack the cover. Hell, a one sided razer blade with a tap on the back of it might even do it too? WEAR SOME SAFETY GLASSES. Like I said, didn't take much of a tap on mine. Also, find a "corner" area of the cover when doing this, it's just a little easier.
Last edited by dforeid; 12-13-2014 at 11:57 AM.
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That's a good sign that the cover has probably never been off since new, especially if the gasket is fossilized...the guy I got my FLHX claimed that his mechanic...that he claimed was his friend...had that cover off just 6,000 miles before I got it, and that the 'friend' had intended to change out the cam follower shoes at the next 10K service. I don't think so, Tim...I had the same problem as the OP, solved it in the same way, if the cover had been off like the 'friend AKA mechanic' claimed, it wouldn't have been so difficult to get off, and the gasket would have been supple.
Just something to keep in mind when previous owners/mechanics make claims...
Just something to keep in mind when previous owners/mechanics make claims...
Sandcrab...I'm trying to figure out why you're thinking about removing the's a hydraulic system, I don't think pliers would be the way to handle the cam tensioner shoe... a little confused another post, you referred to the primary side...which is another kettle of fish wherein a pair of channel locks or Vice Grips might be handy...