Hmmm.... just wonder how ya fill an oil filter when it goes on sideways.... putzbrudder!
Really? The "book" call's for 4 OZ,s of oil in the filter before install.. I guess to staurate that paper filliment. Now, I wonder what kind of oil would one add??
Really? The "book" call's for 4 OZ,s of oil in the filter before install.. I guess to staurate that paper filliment. Now, I wonder what kind of oil would one add??
Update..... After thinking about it today. I did not put any fresh oil in my new oil filter at the time of installation!! Everything seems to be OK, ran the dog ***** out of my scoot. Moral of the story is, it is not the end of the world if you do not put oil in your new oil filter before the install!!
I musta forgot to put oil in the filter a hunnert times by now. Probly gonna forget the next time, too.