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Pussification Ain't Over-YES IT IS

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Old 01-25-2014, 10:33 PM
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Default Pussification Ain't Over-YES IT IS

Where were we,now? Oh yeah. Guess somebody got

The Pussification of the American Male

. . .

This may get me in trouble; I’ll be called a homophobe, a racist, and a neanderthal, but I don’t give a ****, because I am tired of the castration attempts aimed at American men.
I sincerely believe the pussification of man began with that Dr. Spock guy. Not Mr. Spock, who was , and should be every man’s hero. ****, he was the smartest dude ever, his best pal was a galactic chick magnet so he got sloppy seconds or best friend fingers virtually without effort, and he never lost a fight. In fact, he was so ****ing bad, he was brought back from the dead. Yes sir, every man wanted to be Mr. Spock, except with a stronger throwing arm and a more Sears- like wardrobe. Dr. Spock, on the other hand, definitely bears some responsibility for the downfall of the American male. His schtick with the “kids have feelings too”, touchy, feeling, don’t spank my kid was bullshit. And we all fell for it. Kids have feelings too? No ****. I’m not exactly a brain surgeon, but I if know that my dog has feelings, I can probably surmise that my kids have feelings too. The problem with Dr. Spock’s logic is that the best I can hope for my Labradoodle is that she’ll learn to one day bring me my newspaper and not chew my underwear. But if she doesn’t, it’s OK; she’s still my bestest buddy, even if I hurt her feelings. That’s my aspirations for my dog. My kids however, should strive for a little more than that. So I don’t want to cripple them by having them think they are the most important thing in the world. They are the most important thing in the world TO ME, but not the rest of the world. Hell, they ain’t even that important to their ****ing aunts. So yes, they should have their feelings hurt, and their asses smacked if it helps make them better adults. Childhood has always been nothing more than an obstacle to overcome, and Spock made it even more difficult by throwing in these useless emotions and false sense of global importance. Male emotions are dangerous, and should be kept locked away, especially crying. Men cry all the time now, and it is disgusting. A man has only 3 occasions to cry: when his dog dies, when Clint Eastwood dies, and when Notre Dame wins a National Title . Is it mere coincidence that from the onset of this touchy/feely crap, that there are more deviant crimes commited? More divorces? More gays?
Speaking of gays, I think this leads to another nail in the ******* of us manly types; gay rights. Yes, I said it. Gay rights is helping to ruin America. Now before you Liberals get wood because I said something SO offensive and start to intimate that I hate gays; I don’t. I don’t hate them at all. I just don’t want to know what they are doing. I don’t want to legislate for them. I don’t want to be told that it is “love, the same as a man and a woman”. I am not interested in the Bible’s take on homos. I don’t need Jesus to know that it is not natural for a man to put any part of himself on, near, or about any other part of another man; unless you are wearing football pads or an MMA cup and gloves. And if you choose to do so, don’t bring it to the mall, and then roll your squirrelly eyes at me because I tell you not to lock lips in public, in front of 13 year old boys. And yes, as a matter of fact, if I see a man and a woman going at it in anything more than a nice little husband and wife kiss, I’m gonna say something to them too. Some things should stay in the bedroom, especially if it involves two swinging dicks. All this gay rights have men confused. Because Dr. Spock has them thinking we ****ed up our kids, we are trying to be a little more sensitive when it comes to gays. Men nowadays are made to feel guilty about being NOT gay. That was a reply I recieved on a message board today. Some Liberal pansy actually compared the plight of gay rights to apartheid. (No lie). After my usual witty sarcastic reply, all he could say was “Oh you are SO not gay” Like it was a bad thing. Let me tell you something; there ain’t nothing to be ashamed of about being a heterosexual. And it doesn’t stop there. We have heterosexuals fighting for gay rights, like it was a real war or something. Makes me ill. A man will get passionate over a gay man’s inability to marry a gay chowder chum, but will think nothing of allowing a 16 year old girl to go to a clinic and kill a fetus. If you are a hetero, let them fight their own battle. If there are enough gays, they should be able to elect enough gay politicians to help pass gay laws. Just call me when they do so I can move to another country. Like the Klingon Empire.
Dr. Spock also has a role in this political correctness nonsense. I don’t mean racism, I mean political correctness. Men are afraid to be men. It’s that sensitivity bullshit. Let me see; blacks were enslaved, humiliated, tortured, and murdered for hundreds of years, yet if Paul Hornung says something stupid, it hurts their feelings? Sorry, but I give the blacks a little more credit than that. Same logic apples to the illegal alien problem. Is it my fault they are all Mexican? Exactly what is the politically correct vernacular for saying “there are 1 million illegal Mexicans in America.” I wanna know, because if we, as American males, are not allowed to make a few jokes about that situation, we are indeed doomed. And while we are on sensitivity, let me ask you about sensitivity training. What the **** is that? A better name would be “1 step closer to castration”. Paul Hornung made some “insensitive” comments. Well, they were insensitive to the politically correct mamby pamby crowd. So let’s make him take a sensitivity class. The guy’s 70 years old, you think a one hour lecture is gonna make him change the way he thinks? That guy should be revered. He was a star for the greatest University in the history of God, and a good looking, babe hopping, NFL playing, gambling, sumbitch. Now he’s a fat old guy who drinks a lot, and can bring down the house with the drop of his pants. The way it should be. Hornung was Al Bundy way before Ed O’Neill. And while we are on that stupid sensitivity training, let’s disable our police force while we’re at it. This is a true story of my cousin with a Pittsburgh suburb police force. Some punk with a 4 page rap sheet is roughed up by my cousin during yet another arrest. They were fighting, so it makes sense it would get rough, no? Finally subdued, the perp spit in my cousin’s face. ” Oh they like spitter’s where you’re going home-boy”. The punk complains about racism, and my cousin is stuck in an 8 hour course on racial sensitivity, minus the pay. Fortunately the Union or something filed some thing else, and he at least got paid for the day. I guess there are still a few men left in western PA. Enough of this **** I say. Sensitivity is for pregnant women and homos.
The American Justice System is also partly to blame for the demise of the old fashioned American guy. It used to be that if a knucklehead broke into your house, you were allowed to kick his ***, shoot him in the back as he ran away, then drag his body back into your living room. Even the lawyers would leave that alone. It all made perfect sense. This miscreant violated my house, and I administered swift and decisive justice, thereby protecting my neighbors as well as myself from future break ins by not only the dead turd, but his lowlife brethren as well. I was a hero. somewhere along the way, it all changed. Once upon a time a lowlife tripped on a box in the house he was robbing, and broke his leg. Feeling sensitive (thanks again Dr. Spock), I did not shoot him. But he hired this even lower life lawyer who sues me for this guy’s broken leg, and next thing I know, this guy has my money to spend when he gets out of jail. See? I should have just shot and killed him. Remember when you went to the bar, had a bit too much and maybe started a fight over moving the cue ball when your opponent thought you wasn’t looking? Outside it went, fists flailed and failed, one finally landed, then both brawlers apologized and went back in to buy each other a beer. Ah the good old days. Somewhere, one of these guys heard about that lawyer who sued me and hired him to sue over one of these fights. It’s called the trickle effect; men are now afraid to defend themselves or their honor. The final straw, the one that made me so angry, was similiar to these tales. I was reading a message board a few weeks ago, when a poster started a thread by asking advice on how to handle his teenage daughter’s boss, who apparently smacked her on the ***. I opened the thread thinking I would find “Should I use a machete, or piano wire?” What I found was “what type of lawyer do I need, and how much do you think I can get? I really want to hurt this guy ($)” I was devastated. Instead of an immediate reply of “My God man, you are such a *****”, I wanted to find out if things were indeed as bad as I thought they had become. I simply replied that I think I am in the minory here, but sometimes a baseball bat and a dark alley is the better solution. Five thousand registered posters, and I got exactly 1 (ONE) “I’m with ya dude” . The pussification of America was nearly complete.
So I got pissed off and have stayed that way for two weeks. I intend to stay that way for how ever long it takes. So beware. If I see you acting like a *****, I’m gonna tell you so. If I see a *** doing something funny, I’m gonna joke about it. And if I see an ambulance chaser, I’m gonna kick him in the *****. What’s he gonna do, sue me? I got nothing to get. Nothing but my American set of nuts, which I no longer intend to give up.

Old 01-25-2014, 10:45 PM
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Guess they got steenkeen rules,and we broke 'em. Well,let's see how this round goes. Myself,I'm sick of pussies trying to tell me that THEIR pussies are sore. It's not politically correct (a synonym for "cowardice") to be an American,and a man,at the same time,apparently. Some of us take exception to that concept,by virtue of having an actual set of nuts swingin'.
Old 01-26-2014, 04:00 AM
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Well,I don't agree with EVERYTHING you said, but I really do believe that sometimes a good old fashioned *** kicking is the way to handle bosses who smack teen girls on the ***, rapists, pedophiles,etc.
It does seem like we are trying to legislate testosterone out of existence.
Old 01-26-2014, 05:38 AM
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Hear, Hear!!!

In Canada it is even worse. We are not allowed to bear arms! A scenario..... A low life repeat offender breaks into my house and is stealing my ****, then he proceeds to start abusing my wife. I take my Babe Ruth home run hitter (can't posses a gun) and proceed to give this asshat what he deserves. When the cops show up I am the one to be charged with aggravated assault! I should be given a medal for putting the low life out of everyones misery!
Maybe if we got back to an "eye for an eye" kinda justice system crime rates would be reduced and these lowlifes will think twice before they commit their crime!! You rape someone, you get tossed in the cell with big ole Bubba. You rob someone cut of your hand. You kill someone, we return the favor in a similar manner.There are too many bleeding hearts out there worried about the criminal's "rights". What about the rights of those he committed his crime against???
Let's have a look at our jails. What the ..... Jails are supposed to be a form of punishment. Today they are lavish spas where they have gyms and libraries and 3 meals a day and all kinds of amenities that the homeless vets on the street don't have. Let's get back to what they should be! You are INCARCERATED in a dimly lit cell given just enough food and water to survive PERIOD!! Maybe, just maybe they would think twice before they commit their crimes!

Last edited by ChickinOnaChain; 01-26-2014 at 09:26 AM.
Old 01-26-2014, 05:57 AM
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What about this "political correctness"???
We are called racists against the ind...Native Americans and that we "stole" their land. Yet they are living tax free, given all kinds of rights that we don't have not to mention the billions of taxpayers money funneled to them, although their "tribal leaders" don't funnel that money past themselves to the people that it was intended for.

We are called racists against the bla....African Americans. I am thinking that there is something a little backwards with that. Can we have a white college? Can we have a white heritage day? What about a Miss white America pagent??

What about the immigrants that come to our country for a better life because they did not like the one that they left. Now they want US to change out culture to be like theirs. We must remove God from everything. WE can no longer mave morning prayers in our schools, but we MUST build prayer rooms. No more Christmas trees or Merry Christmases are to be said!!! The strict uniforms of our police forces have to be softened so that turbans can be work in place of hats. The rules of our way of life that have been in effect as long as can be remembered must be change to accommodate those that move here so that we don't hurt their feelings.
Old 01-26-2014, 06:32 AM
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Thread removed? Are you fockin kidding me? I didn't see anything wrong with any of that.
Old 01-26-2014, 06:41 AM
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We neeed a few choruses of 'Hail, Hail the gang's all here'

Old 01-26-2014, 07:03 AM
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Oh how educated we have become. I am sure if I look hard enough and long enough I will find someone else who is responsible for my actions and make them pay so I can continue to beat the system. Sad state off affairs.
Old 01-26-2014, 07:08 AM
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Well Twist, I have to say this is one time that I completely agree with everything you said.

Good post!
Old 01-26-2014, 07:17 AM
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care to tell us how you really feel? my wife is always calling me a grouchy old redneck fart...i just say thank you. majority rule is no longer how things work in the world. there is a special interest group for damn near every thing these days.

i am glad that i never had any children/grandchildren. i am 66 years old and glad that i will not be around to see the total ruin of this country. i feel for you guys that see how bad things are getting and have to worry about your kids and grand kids.

the gene pool in my family does not usually let us live to much past i have a few years left. i am hoping to make 70 so i can play from the forward tees!! i am going to ride my bike, eat and drink too much, fish, and play golf--you young guys need to get off your *** and straighten this country out.

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