What Odd Things Have You Hit?
You know that "U"shaped piece of steel that hangs down between the tail lights of a tractor trailer? I can attest that if the welds brake on it and it falls off in the middle of the road...it will bend your front rim and flatten your front tire but you can keep from crashing.
A full 2 liter bottle of 7 up that fell out of the back of a pickup and scooted my front tire for what seemed like a hundred yards before it flew off to the side. A full size car tire, no wheel just the tire, that was laying in the road at night in the middle of a corner. A duck or a goose I don't know which. All I know is that it looked like a white 747 with big orange feet trying to get out of my way right before I clobbered it.
Many moons ago a buddy and I crashed head on into each other running just about 50mph. I saw his headlight, heard a noise and then all the lights went out.
Many moons ago a buddy and I crashed head on into each other running just about 50mph. I saw his headlight, heard a noise and then all the lights went out.
Sideswiped a dog that crapped all over my pipes, I didn't go down and didn't know anything was wrong until I stopped and smelled burning dog poop. At least one of us was able to control himself.
Then there I was on a creek road one night that was covered with frogs. Couldn't avoid them, talk about a slippery, gooey mess!
Then there I was on a creek road one night that was covered with frogs. Couldn't avoid them, talk about a slippery, gooey mess!
I got a bat one night. Small things but they hurt like hell when you hit them at 50. Got me on my leathers so at least I knew I wouldn't have any broken skin or rabies risk but it left a nice mark.
Right about dusk one evening thirty-four years ago. I was rounding a tight curve in the road and accelerating like mad when a Labrador retriever crossed my path. I hit it dead in the side at thirty plus MPH, and it sent me and my bike flying. I'd bet my line of sight was at least ten foot high before I started coming back to earth landing on my front wheel. I thought for sure I was a goner and was preparing to evacuate when my rear tire found footing once again and was ambling up the road again at a dead slow speed by now. I looked back and saw the dog walking off the road at roughly the same speed it wandered into the road. I never saw the dog again, but I still think it couldn't have survived a hit to the gut at that speed.
You sir have just brightened up my day, that **** was funny.