Air mattress has been deflated and stowed away, I'll go with the recliner for one more night.
Heat is off and living room windows are open wide it has warmed up quite nicely.
Checked air pressure on the SGS and both down 3 pounds so I topped them off for tomorrows ride.
Lunch in 20.
Busy, busy, Russ, but it shows. Your place always looks fact, after a few beers downright park like.
I need to do something with the live oak tree in the front. Freezemageddon gave it radial shakes a couple of years ago and the drought this past summer finished it off. A shame because it was a nice tree. I asked Kristi yesterday if I should cut it down and cultivate the new growth coming up into a live oak bush. I don’t think she liked the idea as I could hear her eyes rattling as they rolled.