Did some troubleshooting on the clothes dryer today, the front touch control panel is getting the proper juice but it's dead. No individual parts, even if I knew how to fix something solid state like that, new one cost over $400. Ordered a new dryer from Home Depot for $564, including tax and the $50 removal fee for the busted one. Screw the fancy bells and whistles I never used anyway, got a basic mechanical control one with actual *****. That was a nice dryer, for the 4 or 5 years it lasted, but its parts prices are ridiculous. Probably the last Whirlpool I'll have.
our latest appliance is an electric stove convection and speed boil whatever that is. Lowe’s outlet a 1400 dollar unit 900 with delivery.
our LG washer and dryer are holding up fine knock wood.
Had to spread dirt over it to level the yard and create a drainage plan that works better for our lot, my neighbor may want to watch during the heavy spring rains. It’s tough being environmentally friendly and helping refresh the aquifer.