I don't think anyone does. On a positive note, private schools are getting so popular my Granddaughter's school will be brand new and bigger next September, and south of her home, farther away from Minneapolis.
AGREED! If this the deadly Russian military, they are garbage warriors. That kind of losses is unfathomable in today's modern warfare.
Evening woods,
Grilled some pork chop centers cut on the grill tonight for dinner. MMMMMMmmmmmmMmMmMmMMMM!
If it wasn't for the nuclear threat I bet when NATO saw how ineffective the Russian military was that threat would be over already. If only Poland and Finland joined in, and no nukes in the equation, Putin would have to move east. Hopefully China will realize their military equipment are copies of Russian stuff Ukraine uses for targets.
I noticed I had a few packages of pork chops rummaging through one of the freezers yesterday. Hmmm...
The Ruskies were dumb enough to expose their general officers to sniper fire early on. Haven't seem where one has been plinked recently. Im assuming that they completely underestimated the Ukranian military. Of course, this is the same dumb *** army that dug in near Chernobyl. AHHHHHH, for Mother Russia!