TOAK, The Thread of All Knowledge Part XIII
I know, it’s like “why do we keep inviting drunk uncle to Thanksgiving?” I suppose for the comic relief?
Finger is good. Will switch over to crazy glue today. Ill be back in jujitsu wednesday.
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fireman031967 (08-12-2019)
Waiting for 3 grandkids to show up. Not expecting to get much done today. Also supposed to rain sometime later. My 10 year old grandson was looking through my computer parts collection and asking a lot of questions last week, might be a good time to at least put the hardware together for the Linux computer I've had on the back burner with all the summer projects going. He might find that interesting. Just a swap of motherboard, memory and processor in the case the Win 7 setup failed in. Wasn't win7 gone bad, linux and XP wouldn't boot or install in it either, hardware failure. Hardware's the easy and quick part, getting Linux up and running to my satisfaction will take a lot longer. That might wait for cooler weather. Or rain, plenty of that in the 10 day forecast.
I think the last time I didn't feel tired was around 1998.
I just realized, you hurt your finger on purpose because you were getting your *** kicked, huh?
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soft 02 (08-12-2019)
Morning Russ and fellow WoodMeisters
One thing I have learned is you never know what someone has been thru in their life unless you have walked in their shoes. People get divorced and you tell them gee that's too bad. You have no idea what it is like unless you have been divorced. Same goes for losing parents or children, health issues, etc. I have changed my views an a lot of things having experienced some of life's more unpleasant experiences. My late Mom used to tell me you are a culmination of all of life's experiences, some favorable, some not...................sometimes some tolerance goes along way with helping somebody improve their situation. Just sayin' excuse for any type of personal attack, not sure what that was anyway?
I'm with you Terry. Life has been one big learning curve for me. Which is funny because I knew it all when I was young. Go figure.
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fireman031967 (08-12-2019)