I'm clearing my parents yard of rocks, weeds, and raking the burnt spots and adding grass seed.
The UV index is 8 today so the risk of cancer is only "extreme".
I hope you are appropriately dressed and have sun screen on! I get **** cut or froze off every 6 months! Don't want that to happen to you also in the future! Any of you guys!
I hope you are appropriately dressed and have sun screen on! I get **** cut or froze off every 6 months! Don't want that to happen to you also in the future! Any of you guys!
I'm wearing long sleeves and a hat now. I doubt the effectiveness of sunscreen while sweating profusely.
I already had a little scare a couple of months ago.
Went jet skiing and didn't wear sunblock. A week later I had 4 dark spots (look like birthmarks) on my head.
Skipped the dermatologist hoping they'd go away.