Pertnear 90* here and sitting inside... the OL and I rode out to see my aunt who is been in a home for a few months which we just found out about. She is stricken with cancer that has traveled to her brain, very sad visit. I kind of lost my desire to ride the rest of the day so we came home the long way and parked the bike. I am fortunate to be able to do what I do even with the physical problems I have and even with the OL's issues we still do what we do together and I am thankful for that everyday. I am thankful for the people who work in these homes for the elderly and sick, they have a hell of a job to do and I know there is no way I could do it! These people have my respect for sure...
I think I will head out to the grudge, mebbe start a nice campfire and sit and meditate for a while. The sun is setting and I can't sit in here much longer... all you travelin Toakers, have a safe ride home.. looks like a good time was had by all! Offta breathe some fresh air..hava goodun!
Evening, guys!
Ken, my prayers to you and your aunt.
Everytime I forget something, I think I’m going senile. Scary ****, sometimes, this getting old business.