Golfed today, Chuck. Meh, Not as good as my recent rangework would indicate I should've. Had fun though. 50/50 on good/bad shots, so you know how the score can balloon in a hurry.
Gonna take Kristi out so she can have a sangria or three. She's had a rough day with me barking at her all day. She was trying to help but not in the manner or the speed I required. I was an *** so I will buy her some drinks and perhaps she'll forgive me? I would hate to work for me.
Ripped my #3 man a new *** one time for a big screw up. I don't chew on em unless they need it. Next thing I know I looked up and he was gone. Caught up to him a mile down the road walking, tears running down his face. Made me feel bad. Kinda.
Picked him up and took him back to the job and put him to work...