What makes you think I'd want to hang out somewhere that has cold beer, free food, a bunch of Harleys and the occasional decent looking female??? (Yeah I'll be there).
FYI - Ralph's Stand Up Bar has a bike night on the last Thursday of each month, which in February is this Thursday, Feb. 23.
Where is the Tampa Bay/Lakeland area crew meeting for this?
The circle K at 98 and Banana again?
What time?
We are going to go down to Bradenton or east of there and pick up a rider and ride over from there if you want to tag along with us. Don't know if others may have a more direct route planned but all are welcome to ride us. I can let you know about the route tomorrow if you want.
We are going to go down to Bradenton or east of there and pick up a rider and ride over from there if you want to tag along with us. Don't know if others may have a more direct route planned but all are welcome to ride us. I can let you know about the route tomorrow if you want.
Totally forgot that Saturday is my middle kids I'm gonna have to sit this one out.