Shop around in all the helmet shops u can. A medium helmet is different for different makes. Also see if you can add or remove cushioning foam inserts. Lastly don't be afraid to look at display helmets as you can get Upto 40% offjust because it's been sat in the window for 6 weeks. I got 35% off a roof boxer and it's the best buy I ever made. Crashed 4 weeks later and banged my head so can't ride with it again but I would buy another one instantly. ^.^
I would recommend making a decision based on accurate information. Have you taken the MSF course? They highly recommend full face helmets.
I would just about be healed up right around now if I was not wearing a full face helmet last july. that's if I survived at all.
While I don't think there should be a law requiring a FF helmet, I think you are pretty silly riding around without one.
I would just about be healed up right around now if I was not wearing a full face helmet last july. that's if I survived at all.
While I don't think there should be a law requiring a FF helmet, I think you are pretty silly riding around without one.
I shopped around and bought a full face HJC that I have been wearing for 4 years now. I wear my full face most of the year, in the summer I have a half helmet that doesnt cook my head. YMMV.
As has been said, shop around, some helmets are really heavy, you really do get what you pay for, and different manufacturers fit differently.
As has been said, shop around, some helmets are really heavy, you really do get what you pay for, and different manufacturers fit differently.
You are going to end up buying more than 1 ! I have a DOT approved half shell that I wear whenever I am riding locally or know that I wont be going over 70-75 for long periods of time and A full face modular that I wear when its cold ( below 45 ) or I am going on a long hwy trip ! Which helmet though is really your pref and what fits your head ... good luck