Laid down the bike...
The proper way to pick up the bike was the 2nd thing they taught us at police motorschool. The 1st thing they teach is how to step off and away from a falling bike and not get pinned under it. And there is a proper way to do it. The bike can be easily repaired. But torn ligaments, a wrenched back or worse cannot. It's just not worth it. Too many riders try and hold it up and either get pinned under all that hot metal, or they end up injuring themselves. And most of the non bleeding injuries won't fully reveal the extent of the damage until later. No one ever intentionally WANTS to drop a bike (unless it's a training demo), but in the real world, sometimes it does happen. If it ever should, it might be a good thing to know the right way to pick up a bike.
A while back I saw a posting on another site about a solo rider who was touring. He stopped on the side of the road to check a map or something and toppled over. This particular rider could not figure how to get the bike upright, and no one in a passing car was stopping to help. So he laid down by the bike so it looked like he had a wreck and was thown off. Sure enough some good samaritan stopped to give aide. When the car driver walked over, the rider jumped up and asked for help picking up the bike. Everybody is different and has different ideas and opinions. So laying by the side of the road and faking injury might be a viable option for those who are reluctant to learn the proper way to pick up a bike. But for me, I like knowing how to pick it up.
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