I used stabil for the first time last year. (Carbuerated) Not that my bike really sat formuch time. If you know you are going to be down for more than a month then drain your tank.
I have used Sea Foam, that stuff was great, but I used it ona carburated bike. Not sure, but that is all it is meant for(as far as fuel injected goes), its been a while though.
I used stabil for the first time last year. (Carbuerated) Not that my bike really sat formuch time. If you know you are going to be down for more than a month then drain your tank.
Iwont ride as much in the winter so I plan on putting that sta-bil in just in case, but I will probably ride off and on (once or twice every month). Better save than sorry I suppose.
Make sure you start your bike and let some of the Stabil solution mix thru to the injectors or carb. If you fill your tank and add Stabil the carb or injectors still have just raw gas in them.